Build Back Better Act and Faith Solar Summit
Congress completed work on bipartisan infrastructure legislation on November 5 and part of that work included an agreement to move forward on the transformative Build Back Better Act (BBBA), which makes significant investments in climate change, environmental justice, clean energy jobs, and a host of social infrastructure measures. While the Clean Energy Payment Program that IPL supported strongly was deleted, more funding was put into renewable energy tax incentives and credits. Most other climate provisions remain. The House plans to vote on the Build Back Better Act during the week of November 15th.
A landmark UN climate report this summer made crystal clear what faith leaders have long preached: it’s time to act on climate. We have no time to waste, and the historic climate care provisions in the Build Back Better Act are an urgent moral issue.
If signed into law, the BBBA would set the United States on a path to a 50-52% reduction in carbon pollution by 2030. That’s the same goal scientists say is necessary to prevent the worst impacts of climate change. Time is running out, we need all of our elected officials to support the Build Back Better Act. We need to act now on climate.
We need to send the strongest possible Build Back Better Act to the Senate to overcome the special interests’ hold on some Senators. The House has to lead.
Please contact your Congressional Representative, Chris Pappas or Ann Kuster to urge them to vote yes on the Build Back Better Act.
The White House has launched a website with more details and information about the BBBA framework. You can access it here:
Faith Solar Summit, Today, November 8 at 4PM
This summit of faith leaders will prepare each of us to secure authorization and construction of new solar projects in our faith communities and municipalities. Dan Weeks of Revision Energy will be the keynote speaker, laying out clear steps for securing projects that will tangibly reduce carbon emissions. This event kicks off a campaign by GSOP's Climate Explorers to win construction of at least 4 new clean energy projects and build a strong network of faith climate leaders. Please join us for this informative and action-oriented summit by registering here:
Sponsored by Revision Energy and Granite State Organizing Project.