Rally For Climate Action October 18
NH Faiths 4 Climate Justice
Monday, October 18
3PM, City Hall, Manchester
Two weeks before global climate negotiations begin in Glasgow, Scotland at COP26, people of diverse faiths will rise to send a message: as people of faith and conscience we must take action to address climate change. Multiple groups are taking action on October 17 and 18 across the world ahead of COP26, November 1 through 3 when leaders from around the world will gather in Glasgow to plan the United Nations' response to the climate crisis.
NHIPL invites you to attend the rally in Manchester on October 18, where we will call for an end to fossil fuels and deforestation; a just, equitable transition to 100% renewable energy; millions of jobs to “build back fossil free” from COVID-19; a welcome for climate refugees and people impacted by climate chaos, and climate reparations from wealthy countries responsible for the lion’s share of emissions historically.
NH Faiths 4 Climate Justice, a network of faith based organizations, is a local project of Faiths 4 Climate Justice. Two days of action spanning from Indonesia to Nigeria to Guatemala to the United States are planned. Faiths 4 Climate Justice is organized by the GreenFaith International Network and co-sponsored by over 100 organizations, denominations, and lineages, representing more than 100 million people from many different faith traditions.
HOPE to see you in Manchester on Monday. Bring your signs!