NHIPL Events
Past Events
Greening Our Faith Communities: Catching Federal Dollars and the Sun
Learn How Your Church or Nonprofit Can Receive Significant Federal Funding to “Go Solar”
Attend this workshop to learn how to take advantage of the 30% direct payments you can receive for installing solar or geothermal heating for your church or non-profit.
Solar Funding for Churches Workshop
Sat, Oct 14, 9:30am-2:30pm
All Saints Episcopal Church
Wolfeboro, NH
The keynote will be by Eric St Pierre, a senior solar consultant for ReVision Energy.
To register please click here and fill out this form.
Cost is $24. (Lunch included.) Cash or check will be collected at the event.
Use link below for more information and the schedule of day.
Questions? Email Doug Smithwood dougsmithwood@gmail.com
The Letter: A Message for Our Earth Wednesday, March 22, 2023 6:00-8:00pm
Red River Theaters, 11 S Main St, Concord NH 03301
Please join us for a special screening of The Letter - A Message for Our Earth, a brilliant and moving documentary that focuses on the Care for Creation message of Pope Francis, who urges the whole world "to hear the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor" while encouraging climate change action on a global scale.
The Letter features Pope Francis and five individuals from across the globe representing the voices of indigenous people, the youth, the poor and the wildlife of our planet. This is the story of their journey to Rome to learn from each other and discuss how to protect our common home. Watch the trailer here.
Following the screening there will be a panel discussion of faith leaders. This event is sponsored by NH Interfaith Power & Light, Laudato Si' Movement, and League of Conservation Voters.
The World Day of Prayer for Creation marks the beginning of the Season of Creation which lasts from September 1-October 4.
Season of Creation is a time to renew our relationship with the Creator and all creation through celebration, conversion, and commitment. New Hampshire IPL will be co-hosting an interfaith prayer service with Massachusetts IPL on Thursday, September 1, 2022, from 7 to 8pm via Zoom to kick off the Season. We invite you to consider the symbol of the Burning Bush as a symbol of our community’s intention to remove our sandals as we recognize Earth as holy ground and to listen for the voice of all creation. To register, click on this registration link.
Our Spring Conference
Greening Our Faith Communities - A Nuts and Bolts Conference
was a big success.
Held on April 9, 2022 - 9:00am-3:30pm at the
Concord UU Church, 274 Pleasant St, Concord NH
At this nuts-and-bolts conference on how to green your house of worship and your faith community we learned from experts about energy audits, Energy Star and benchmarking, solar for congregations, energy efficiency for houses of worship, cold climate heat pumps, and how to engage our members to green their households.
If you missed it, sign up for our monthly newsletter and
you’ll receive notice about our 2nd annual conference in Spring 2023.
Conference Schedule:
9:00-9:30am Gather / Refreshments
9:30-10:30am Welcome / Plenary “Deeper Green Faith Communities” by Jerry Cappel of Kentucky IPL
10:45-Noon Morning Breakout Sessions (Choose One)
Beyond Our Buildings: Greening Our Households: Jen Messeder (Trainer for household energy assessments)
Assessing Your Buildings Energy Usage/ Energy Audits: Emily Bolger (US EPA) and Margaret Dillon (SEEDS energy auditor)
Noon - 2:00pm Lunch and Roundtable Discussions “Sharing Our Success Stories” (includes solar projects, energy efficiency projects, project management tips, engaging our members to green their own households, and more!)
2:15-3:30pm Afternoon Breakout Session (Choose one)
Solar Options and Opportunities: Representatives from Revision Energy & Barrington Power (both PV providers for churches)
Energy Efficiency-Heating, Cooling, Insulation, Air sealing, etc.: Russell Hunt (Energy Efficiency Engineer/Trinity Baptist Church) & Dana Fischer (Mitsubishi Heat Pump specialist)
Questions? Contact info@nhipl.org
Energy Grants
Through generous funding from the Katy Gerke Memorial Fund, New Hampshire Interfaith Power and Light is now offering grants to Christian New Hampshire churches for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Gerke Fund grants are currently eligible to all NH churches of Christian faiths. As an interdenominational organization, NHIPL is also actively seeking similar funding sources for groups representing other faith traditions.
Congregational Solar Directory
Houses of worship are walking the talk and following the guidance of their traditions to protect the planet we all need to survive. These congregations have all installed solar or have connected to community solar to reduce their carbon emissions. If your house of worship is not listed please send an email to susan.fuller@nhipl.org and you will be added to the list.
Houses of Worship in New Hampshire with Solar
Durham Unitarian Universalist Fellowship - Durham, NH
Unitarian Universalist Church of Concord - Concord, NH
Keene Unitarian Universalist Church - Keene, NH
Plymouth Congregational Church - Plymouth, NH
Federated Church of Marlborough - Marlborough, NH
All Saints Episcopal Church - Wolfeboro, NH
Concord Quaker Meeting - Concord, NH
A list of the churches throughout the United States can be viewed at the national Interfaith Power and Light site.