NHIPL Launch
March 9, 2020
Contact: Rob Werner, rob_werner@lcv.org, (603) 674-9810
Interfaith Power and Light to Launch New Hampshire Climate Action Agenda
Faith Leaders to call attention to the moral imperatives of caring for
our common home
Concord, NH – New Hampshire faith leaders will gather to launch the New Hampshire State Affiliate of Interfaith Power and Light, joining 40 affiliates representing 20,000 congregations from across the nation to advocate for climate change action and care for our common home.
What: InterfaithPower and Light New Hampshire State Affiliate Launch
When: Thursday,March 12th, 10 AM
Where: Legislative Office Building Lobby
33 North State Street, Concord, NH
- Susan Fuller, NH Interfaith Power and Light
- Rev. Jason Wells, Grace Episcopal Church, NH Council of Churches
- Fr. Richard Roberge, Pastor of Christ the King Parish
- Rev. Carlos Jauhola-Straight, South Church
- Rev. Kendra Ford, Unitarian Universalist Society of Exeter
For moreinformation about NH Interfaith Power and Light, visit: https://nhipl.org/ and https://www.interfaithpowerandlight.org/
Contact Rob Werner at rob_werner@lcv.org or603-674-9810 for additional event information