Newsletter - June, 2023

NH IPL Board of Directors News

Board Member Recruitment

NH IPL is looking for new board members to help move NH IPL into 2023. Board members are expected to participate in monthly board meetings and one of the six working committees. These include: Advocacy, Energy Action, Gerke Foundation Grants, Newsletter, Program, or Website. For more information and to apply, contact Susan Fuller at

Correction: It was announced in last month's newsletter that Lydia Hansberry was no longer on the NHIPL Board. We are pleased to announce that we made an error in making that announcement and wish to assure you that Lydia is still very active on our board.


NH IPL Program News

An Invitation to try Plastic Free July (or Less Plastic July)

    Dear Friends, I’m composing this letter as an invitation to try living Plastic Free for the month of July. Plastic Free July which began in Australia in 2011 is now an award winning campaign to reduce single use plastic, one of the most influential environmental campaigns in the world.

If you’ve been thinking about reducing your plastic consumption but need more encouragement or if you’ve never given a thought to reducing your plastic consumption, I urge you to watch a short video (these are trailers to longer versions) to help motivate you to start. If you want gut-wrenching, watch Albatross; for something more light-hearted, try BagIt.

 Click here for list of movies is available on the My Plastic Free Life website.

This website is a great resource for ideas on how to live plastic free. Or you can search out a copy of the book, Plastic Free by Beth Terry for a fuller description of the problems that plastic is wreaking on our environment (including contributing to climate change) and ways we can reduce or eliminate our use of plastics. I’d be thrilled to hear from you about ways you are reducing your single use plastic consumption waste in your home and/or in your faith community. If you’re so moved (inspired, feeling proud,) and want to share, please email me at about what you are doing. I will include some of your responses in our next newsletter. 

Resources in New Hampshire focused on plastic reduction/elimination:

Plastics Working Group

Ten Town Took Kit


Susan Fuller

Chair, NH Interfaith Power and Light


NH IPL News From You!!

Help inspire others! What events related to creation care, climate advocacy, environmental learning, or worship opportunities are available in your faith community? Do you have a Green Team or Circle? Let us know and we will share that information here. Contact Susan.Fuller at to share your activities or questions.


How the Federal Solar Tax Credit Works

Information from the Computer Network (CNET), an American media website, recommended by an NHIPL Board Member

The article has in its text a link to info specific to NH. This info is focused on individuals and not houses of worship, but is nevertheless good regarding the situation as it stands now...before specific Fed regs.


National IPL Program News: Report from IPL Annual National Conference, May 7-10 by Susan Fuller, NHIPL director.

I always look forward to the annual Interfaith Power and Light conference held every May in Washington, DC. These past couple of years we've stayed at Gallaudet University, right in the heart of downtown.

This year, the IPL conference partnered with Spark Mill to continue work on becoming an anti-racist organization. The continuing work that Interfaith Power and Light has done to mindfully transform itself into a racially diverse organization was quite evident at this year's conference much to our benefit. The attendees were a noticeably more diverse group from all over the country. This work helps us recognize that there are unequal effects of climate change on people of color as well as the poor.

The focus on environmental justice at this year's conference got me thinking about environmental justice issues in NH. From my initial investigation, I've learned that although NH has no state laws requiring consideration of EJ, NH Dept. of Environmental Services will follow expanding federal EJ requirements and guidance. This is heartening and leaves me hopeful that NH will continue to expand its environmental justice initiatives.


National IPL Action & Advocacy News

While at the conference in DC in May, I was able to visit the offices of Senators Shaheen and Hassan and Representative Chris Pappas. I was accompanied by Janny Chang, a national IPL Board Member. We met with staff at the the two senators' offices and were fortunate to run into Rep. Pappas as he was returning from a session in the House. When we spoke to our elected officials we emphasized the need to speed deployment of clean energy and accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels. We encouraged our Senators Shaheen and Hassan and Rep. Pappas to support the Recovering America's Wildlife Act and thanked them for voting against the Heavy Duty Truck Congressional Review Act.

For other actions alerts, visit Get Involved.


News From Our Colleagues

Each year, Evangelical Environmental Network's Summer of Action provides the opportunity for members of the EEN community to take their advocacy and action for the environment and all who live therein to the next level. Whether you're encouraging your senators to support a conservation-forward 2023 Farm Bill or testifying at an EPA public hearing in support of stronger pollution safeguards, this year will be no exception! For more information, visit Evangelical Environmental Network.


What to Expect from Summer of Action

As a Summer of Action participant, you’ll receive tools and training on how to:

· Schedule and hold meetings with a target lawmaker

· Write and place an op-ed/letter to the editor in a local news outlet

· Amplify advocacy opportunities on your personal social media channels

· And more!

Let’s rise to the challenge and defend God’s creation by building a bright, healthy future for generations to come.


News From Around the State

If you have news to share about what your faith community is doing to bring about faith climate justice, please send to

May the long time Sun shine upon you,

all love surround you,

and the pure light within you,

Guide your way on.

Sunset over Lake Winnipesaukee

Happy Summer Solstice!

For Information, comments, or questions about this newsletter contact: 

Susan Fuller, chair, NHIPL, or Julia Steed Mawson at


SAVE THE DATE - NHIPL Spring Conference: April 9, 2022 Greening our Faith Communities