EPA Portfolio Manager Training April 28

Title: EPA Portfolio Manager Training -- Energy Benchmarking Software for Energy Committees & Municipalities
When: Tuesday, April 28, 2:00 PM
Register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5460901926717590539 
Blurb: ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager is EPA’s premier energy benchmarking tool for buildings and facilities. Attendees will learn how to: navigate Portfolio Manager; add a property and enter details about it; enter energy consumption data; and enroll in the web services function that is provided by some utilities.
Presenter: Emily Bolger is the regional ENERGY STAR representative for Region 1 of the EPA located in Boston. Apart from Portfolio Manager, Emily also works on ENERGY STAR’s Industrial Program, and climate change resilience in New England.

This webinar will be recorded and posted on:

Contact Henry Herndon at CENH for more information-  <henry@cleanenergynh.org>


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