Christians Confront Climate Crisis at Madrid
(Note from post author: This post does not necessarily represent the viewpoint of all members of the NHIPL. The material was received by email to Ralph Simons from Susan Fuller, as representative of the actions of evangelical Christians, who ostensibly, have been late-comers to the climate change movement. At this time, we have no evangelical churches represented in the NHIPL. The email originated with Kermit Hovey, CCL ECAT Lead)
Join ECAT Zoom Call/Live Webinar “Christians Confront Climate Crisis at Madrid Conference" 4pm ET Sunday 12/8/19
Join us for a very special Evangelical Climate Action Team (ECAT) conference call/live webinar featuring faith-motivated climate advocates in the Christian Climate Observers Program (CCOP). Feel free to share this opportunity with others you think might be interested.
How do Evangelical Christians tackle the climate crisis? What are they seeing, learning, praying and doing at Madrid’s 2019 United Nations Climate Change Conference COP 25? What does faith have to do with it? Hear live from Christian Climate Observers Program (CCOP) team-members on the ground in Spain near the conference’s mid-point from 4 to 5 pm E.T. Sunday, 12/8/19. Connect via phone, browser or app to this timely, informative, and inspiring Zoom meeting webinar “Christians Confront Climate Crisis at Madrid Conference.”.
The Christian Climate Observers Program and the Citizens’ Climate Lobby Evangelical Christian Action Team join to co-sponsor this opportunity to learn about experiences with God, politics, and science at this annual UN climate conference. We will share briefly about the organizations involved, hear observations and reflections from CCOP participants and allow time for questions.
LIVE Webinar: “Christians Confront Climate Crisis at Madrid Conference.”
4 to 5 pm E.T. Sunday, 12/8/19.
Connect to this Zoom Meeting by website:
OR dial by phone:
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Provide Meeting ID as requested: 627 805 628
To connect with opportunities for climate change and creation care action in the future, visit and, if you haven’t already, sign up with one or more of the cooperating organizations behind this webinar:
To build the political will for a livable climate and experience breakthroughs in democracy visit
Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL) -
To additionally participate in CCL as an Evangelical Christian concerned about the climate crisis visit the CCL Evangelical Christian Action Team -
To attend a future United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of Parties (UNFCCC COP, an annual UN climate conference) within a supportive christian community visit Christian Climate Observers Program -
To join with other Christians to learn, pray, and act to address the climate crisis visit
Climate Caretakers -
To join with young Evangelicals working on the climate crisis visit Young Evangelicals for Climate Action -
To support the Christian Reformed Church of North America’s efforts to tackle the climate problem, visit their Office of Social Justice’s Climate Witness Project -
To support and learn more about the broader need for creation care and environmental concern beyond climate change visit the Lausanne/World Evangelical Alliance Creation Care Network -
To learn more about efforts to connect Christian missions with environmental action and creation care visit EdenVigil -
Details also at