Mobilizing and inspiring people of faith to take bold and just action against climate change.
Taking Action
Taking bold action toward climate change by advocating for policies that work, offering education and resources to help faith communities lower their carbon footprint, and working to underscore our call to care for all of creation as people of faith through dialogue, action, and prayer.
Our Initiatives
The Katy Gerke Memorial Program
Through generous funding from the Katy Gerke Memorial Fund, New Hampshire Interfaith Power and Light is now offering grants for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects.
We envision a stable climate where humans in right and just relationship, interconnected with a healthy, thriving, natural world.

“Humanity is standing at a crossroads. And when we look back at this crucial time, we want to be able to say that we did everything we possibly could to push the world in the right direction.”
— Greta Thunberg